Talk It Over Questions

Questions to ask around the table to help you discuss the Sunday Message

Talk It Over Questions

Talk It Over 7/28/24

What Is A Disciple?

1. How have you previously defined the word “disciple”? What is a disciple?

2. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to either defend or deny your faith? If so, how did you handle it? If not, how do you think you would handle it?

3. Looking at the fruits of the Spirit-which ones are most reflected in your life? Are there any that aren’t being produced in your life?

4. Who are you becoming? Have you been solely content with being a Christian and living the “comfortable” life? Or are you being a disciple and becoming the man or woman God has called you to be?

Ask Your Kids

Luke 10: 25-3

1.What lesson does the Good Samaritan teach us? 

2.Who is someone you need to ask God to help you love them like Jesus loves them? 

3.How can we love ALL people?

Talk It Over 7/21/24

The Great Commission

1. What stood out to you most about this message?

2. Do you feel like you are bold and active in sharing your faith? If not, why do you think you are not active in sharing your faith? Why don't you “therefore go?” Do you feel like life is just busy, do you feel as if it's just not convenient, are you inwardly focused, or do you feel like you don’t have a good enough understanding?

3. Has God ever given you an opportunity to share your faith that you have ignored? What was that like?

Has God ever given you an opportunity to share your faith and you have? What was this experience like? 

4. Do you feel like your life is part of a grand and divine plan? How do you think sharing your faith would affect this feeling? What do you think you need to do to start sharing your faith more often? Do you need to rethink through priorities, do you need to just start taking the opportunities that God gives you?

Ask Your Kids

Acts 22:1-23

1. In what ways did the disciples share Jesus with others? 

2. How can we share Jesus with others? 

3. What story do you have that would show how Jesus has changed your life?

Talk It Over 7/14/24

Planted In The House Of God

1. Did you grow up in church or did you start coming to church later in life? Tell us a little bit of your history.

2. Why do you think it is so important to be planted in a local church community?  

3. Read Ps 92:6-9 & 12-15. What words does the psalmist use to describe those who don’t understand God’s works in verses 6-9? How does the psalmist contrast these people with the righteous in verses 12-15?

4. It is never too early to start finishing strong! What do you want the twilight years of your life to look like when it comes to being spiritually fruitful? What do you think you need to change in your life to get there? What are you doing now that you intend to continue to do so that you can leave a substantial, fruitful, spiritual legacy?

Ask Your Kids

John 13:4-17

1.What is a disciple? 

2.How can we disciple others? 

3.Who can you tell about Jesus?

Talk It Over 7/7/24

Daily Time With God

1. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon? What questions or thoughts did it raise in your mind?

2. When you hear the phrase “Quiet time with God” what comes to mind? As a group, read Matthew 14:23. What did you notice in this verse? Do you think getting alone with God is important? Why do you feel the way you do?

3. Do you have a specific plan for your quiet time with God? If yes, what does your quiet time look like? Are you consistent with that plan? Do you have all the resources you need to be successful in your quiet time?

4. As a group, read Luke 10:38-42. What is distracting you from getting closer to God? Next, read Hebrews 12:1. Pray together and make a commitment to throw off everything that keeps you from God’s best.

Ask Your Kids

Mark 10:17-21

1. What lesson does the parable of the rich young ruler teach us? 

2. What do you need to give up or spend less time on in order to spend more time with Jesus? 

3. What does spending time with Jesus look like for you?