Talk It Over Questions

Questions to ask around the table to help you discuss the Sunday Message

Talk It Over Questions

Talk It Over 2/2/25


1. What was your biggest takeaway from this weeks message?

2. Read Luke 6:1-11. What does this passage teach us about God’s priorities versus man-made religious rules/ideas? How does Jesus’ actions in these verses redefine the purpose of the Sabbath?

3. What does Sabbath mean? What should Sabbath look like today? How can we practice Sabbath rest in a way that honors God’s intent rather than focusing on legalism?

4. Read Exodus 16:22-30. How did God provide for Israel’s Sabbath in the wilderness? What does that teach us about trust in God’s provision for us today? Do you believe God will provide for you if you STOP weekly and honor Sabbath?

5. What are your greatest hesitations concerning Sabbath? Are you willing to try it weekly for 1 month?

Ask Your Kids

1. What is one thing you are thankful for this week?

2. How do we always trust Jesus?

3. Is it easy to always trust people?

Talk It Over 1/26/25

Digital Rule of Life

1. Think through a “normal” day. What “Rules of Life”—routines that have

become a part of your day—have you established with your digital devices?

When do you pick up your phone for the first time? How many times do you

unnecessarily pick it up in a day? When is the last time you put it down

before going to bed?

2. Read Matthew 11:28-30 from the Message Translation. How has your device

weighed you down and kept you from living freely in God’s grace?

3. If you’ve been participating in the 40 day detox, what changes have you

already begun to notice in your life and in your family’s life?

4. Read Colossians 3:17. Throughout this series we’ve seen how our devices

can trap us and consume us. In what ways can we use our digital devices to

bring glory to God in our lives?

Ask Your Kids

1. What other things could you be doing besides playing on a phone or tablet?

2. Are there any hobbies you haven’t tried that you would like to try?

3. What is your favorite Bible verse? Why is it your favorite?

Talk It Over 1/19/25

Powering Down

1. Read Matt 6:33. How can we ensure that our use of digital devices reflects God-centered priorities instead of becoming a distraction from our spiritual lives?

2. Read Phil 4:8. How do digital devices influence our thoughts, values, and the content we consume as individuals and families?

3.Read prov 22:6. How can we as parents/leaders model responsible Christ-centered use of technology for our children? How can we as kids model it for our peers?

4.Read Ps 46:10. Do you believe consistent digital connectivity impacts our ability to be present with God, family, friends? Is so, how? And how do we combat this moving forward? 

5.Read Colossians 3:17. In what ways can we use digital devices to glorify God as a family?


1.If you could invent something, what would it be and how would it help people?

2. If you could say thank you to anyone, who would it be and why?

3. What is something God has been saying to you?

Talk It Over 1/12/25

Series Title – The Digital Detox

Sermon Title – The Price Of Your Device

1. What resonated with you the most from this sermon?

2. Read John 10:10 and Psalm 119:37. How do these verses resonate with your current digital consumption? Would you say you are addicted to your digital devices?  

3. What specific digital activities consume most of your time? How do these activities impact your relationship with God and others? Research shows excessive smartphone & social media use is directly linked to increased depression, insecurity, anxiety, loneliness & thoughts of suicide. Have you dealt with any of these issues?

4. What steps will you take to “make your smartphone dumb?” Do you think engaging in this digital fast with your church family, table group or own family will enhance accountability and spiritual growth? If so, how? How will you prioritize spiritual growth over digital distractions during this fast? Do you have a plan?


1. What makes you happy? What do you do when you’re feeling sad?

2. If you could help someone, what would you do for them?

3. Can you think of a time when someone helped you? How did it make you feel?