Talk It Over Questions
Talk It Over 3/9/25
The Most Abused Verse In The Bible
1. What was your biggest takeaway from this week’s message?
2. Read Luke 6:37-38. What are the 4 commands Jesus gives? What does it mean to “judge” in this context? Does this mean we should never make moral or biblical evaluations? In what ways do you struggle with being judgmental or condemning toward others?
3. How does Jesus connect forgiveness with being forgiven? (See also, Matthew 6:14-15). Do you have a specific relationship where you know you need to practice forgiveness? If so, what will you do with that this week?
4. What promise is given in vs 38 to those who give? What do you think Jesus means by “a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over”? If God measures back to us with the same measure we use for others, what kind of measure will you receive this week?
Ask Your Kids
1. What were the 2 do not’s from this weeks passage?
2. What were the 2 do’s from this weeks passage?
3. In what areas do you need to ask God to help you in?
Talk It Over 3/2/25
The Great Donut Rivalry
1. Read Luke 6:27-28. What does it TRULY mean to “love your enemies”? How does this differ from simply avoiding conflict? How do “blessing those who curse you” and “praying for those who mistreat you” reflect the character of Jesus?
2. Read Luke 6:29-30. What does it mean to “turn the other cheek” in the context of this passage? Is Jesus promoting weakness, or is there a deeper principle at work?
3. Is there someone in your life whom you struggle to love? What are some practical ways you can “do good” to those who many not treat you well?
4. Is there someone in your life you need to forgive or treat with more kindness despite how they’ve treated you?
5. Read Luke 6:31. What would change in your heart and actions if you fully lived by the “Golden Rule”?
Ask Your Kids
1. How do we love our enemies?
2. How do we show kindness to all people?
3. Where do you need to ask God for help to love others well?
Talk It Over 2/16/25
Countercultural Christianity: A Call To Be Radically Set Apart
1. What stood out to you the most from this message?
2. Read Luke 6:17-26. What are the 4 blessings that Jesus pronounces? What are the 4 corresponding “woes” that Jesus warns about? How do the blessings and the woes contrast with each other?
3. Read Luke 6:22. Are there any ways you have experienced rejection for your faith? How does this passage encourage you?
4. What does valuing God’s kingdom over material wealth look like in daily life? Are there any areas in your life where you are tempted to prioritize wealth, success or comfort over your faith? What spiritual disciplines can we practice to help shift our focus from worldly success to kingdom priorities?
Ask Your Kids
1. Who is always able to help you even when you are alone?
2. What is something you have been asking God to help you with?
3. What is one thing that made you smile this week?
Talk It Over 2/9/25
The Power of Prayer
1.What stood out to you the most from this message?
2.Why do you think Jesus spent an entire night in prayer before selecting the apostles? Can you find other places in the Gospels where Jesus prayed before big decisions or big moments? Have you ever sought God in prayer for a long time before making an important decision? If so, what was the outcome?
3.What does this passage teach us about the importance of prayer in making big decisions? How can Jesus’ example of prayer before decision-making apply to your own life? In what ways can you make prayer a more central part of your life?
4.Jesus chose ordinary people from different backgrounds, with different strengths and weaknesses to be His apostles. How does that encourage you in your faith and what does that say to you about how God can/will use YOU in His plan? How does this passage challenge your view of leadership and serving in ministry.
Ask Your Kids
1. How was Daniel on God’s team? How can we be on God’s team?
2. How do we follow Jesus? Is it always easy? Why?
3. What was your favorite part of this week's lesson?