Talk It Over Questions

Questions to ask around the table to help you discuss the Sunday Message

Talk It Over Questions

Talk It Over 4/28/24

Ready For Anything

1. What has been your favorite vacation as an adult (single, as a couple or as a family)?

2. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon? What questions or thoughts did it raise in your mind?

3. John the Baptist was a bit of an outcast - he was raised in the desert, ate locust and honey, and wore a camel-hair garment. Why do you think God chose someone like John to be Jesus’ forerunner?

4. In Luke 3:3, Luke tells us John had a message of “repentance for the forgiveness of sins”. What is repentance? What does repentance look like in someone’s life? Can you tell if someone has truly repented? Why do you think churches struggle today to preach a message of repentance?

5. Read Isaiah 40:3-5 & Luke 3:4-6 in 2 different translations as a group (one of them being the passion translation). These verses talk very specifically about “preparing the way of the Lord.” Really focusing in on verses Luke 3:4-6, what kind of cutting, filling, straightening, and smoothing work has God been doing in your life? What does He still need to do? Why is this necessary preparation for us as disciples?

Declaration: As a disciple of Jesus, I will declare God's truth at all times. I will proclaim, by my actions, that the way of the Lord is prepared. By my words, every crooked way is made straight. And I declare that my life is a testimony that will reflect His love and peace to others, trusting that all will come to see and know His salvation.

Ask Your Kids

1. Why do you think John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness?

2. How can we prepare the way for Jesus in our own lives?

3. How do we point others towards Jesus?

Talk It Over 4/21/24

Where You Go, I Will Go

1. What was your favorite vacation as a kid?

2. When you think of Jesus being a child, what do you think of? Do you think of Jesus as having been similar to, or different from, other children you’ve known? Why do you feel the way you do?

3. Joseph & Mary lost sight of Jesus when they assumed He was with the caravan. What kind of suffering/emotions do you think they experienced (as parents) when they realized they had lost Jesus? Have you ever lost sight of your kids? What emotions did that bring up inside you? What kind of problems arise for us when we lose sight of Jesus today? Is there any area of your life where you would say you’ve lost sight of Jesus?

4. Read Luke 2:52. This verse tells us Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, favor with God and favor with man. What areas of your life do you most need/desire to grow in? What do you think hinders your spiritual growth the most?

Declaration: As a disciple of Christ, I will live a life that is spirit-led and not law-driven. I will grow in wisdom and spiritual maturity through daily habits that invest in my relationship with Christ and that will lead me to become who God has called me to be. I will walk in the good works that God has prepared for me as I continually keep my eyes focused on His son Jesus.

Ask Your Kids

1.How old was Jesus when He went to the temple? 

2.What happened that worried Mary and Joseph? 

3.What is something that stood out from this week’s lesson?

Talk It Over 4/14/24

When The Mundane Isn't Mundane

1. What was the best thing that happened to you this week? What was the worst thing that happened to you this week?

2. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon? What questions or thoughts did it raise in your mind?

3. Read Luke 2:21-24. Pay attention to the customs and rituals. What sticks out to you? How can we apply that to our lives today?

4. Read Luke 2:25-27 and Luke 2:36-37. What facts about Simeon and Anna stand out to you and why? Talk it over! One of the biggest things that sticks out is their willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit. How can we tell the difference between being led by the holy spirit and being led by our own desires?

5. Simeon and Anna had waited a long time in anticipation of the Messiah, and now the Church waits for the return of the Messiah. What do Simeon and Anna do in their waiting and how can I apply their example to my own life? What does waiting patiently for Jesus look like practically in day to day living?

Declaration: As a Disciple of Jesus, I declare that I will come before You with open eyes that see Your salvation at work in the lives of those around me. I will seek wisdom and discernment to recognize the presence of Your Son in my everyday life. And I declare that my heart will always be turned to You, and I will walk in Your ways and live according to Your will.

Ask Your Kids

1. What was one thing that stood out to you from this weeks lesson?

2. How does the faithfulness of Simeon and Anna inspire you to grow your own faith?

3. How can we apply Simeon’s example of waiting patiently for God’s promises in our own lives?

Talk It Over 4/7/24

The Changed Life

1. What was your favorite day as a child?

2. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon? What questions or thoughts did it raise in your mind?

3. In Ephesians 4 Paul talks about the believers “walk” and the unbelievers “walk”. Talk about how the 2 walks should be different. How should we “walk” as believers compared to unbelievers? Read Ephesians 4:17, does your thinking

affect how you “walk?” How can you change your thinking?

4. This week we looked at Ephesians 4:17-24 and we talked about living “The Changed Life”, think about what you were like before you got saved. What changes in your desiring, thinking, and living have taken place since then?

5. Read Ephesians 4:22–24. Should Christians continually lay aside the old self and put on the new self? Talk about some of the ways you think we can “Put on the new self.” If the old self died, why do we still struggle with sin as believers?

Declaration: As a disciples of Jesus, I declare that I am putting off my former way of living, characterized by deceitful desires, and I am embracing a new mindset aligned with God’s truth and righteousness. I am committed to daily renewal, allowing God’s Spirit to transform me into His likeness, marked by genuine holiness and righteousness.

Ask Your Kids

READ: Acts 1:1-11

1. What is one thing you learned in this weeks lesson?

2. How can we live a life pleasing to the Lord when we mess up, make mistakes, and sin? Is it possible to do it on our own?

3. What different things does the Holy Spirit help us with? 

(He is our helper, convictor, guide, teacher and changer)

Talk It Over 3/31/24

Has Your "Belief" In Jesus Changed The Way You Live?

1. What is your favorite memory of Easter? What does your family do special for Easter?

2. What stood out to you in this week’s sermon? What questions or thoughts did it raise in your mind?

3. What personal significance does Easter or all of Holy Week (i.e., the events of Palm Sunday, the Last Supper and betrayal, Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday) have for you?

4. Consider this claim: “The foundation of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” What do you think this means and do you agree? Why or why not?

5. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-20 as a group. The apostle Paul tells us that the risen Jesus appeared to His disciples and then to “more than five hundred brothers at one time” (vv. 5-6). Why do you think it’s important there were so many eyewitnesses to Jesus’ resurrected state?

6. Wolfhart Pennenburg said, “The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is so strong that nobody would question it except for two things: First, it is a very unusual event.

And second, if you believe it happened, you have to change the way you live. Be honest, HOW has your “belief” in Jesus changed the way you live?

Ask Your Kids

1. What does your family do special for Easter?

2. What is your favorite part of the story of Jesus?

3. What is something that stood out to you about this weeks scriptures?

Talk It Over 3/24/24

If Shepherds Can Do It, So Can You

1. What was your high (best moment) and your low (worst moment) this week?

2. What is your biggest takeaway from this weeks message?

3. Who did the angels first announce the birth of Christ to and how is this an example of God’s grace? Be honest, how would you respond if you were at working, minding

your business, doing what you are supposed to be doing and an angel showed up and said “Don’t be afraid, but I have some news for you?

4. The shepherds had to arrange for care of their flocks and travel a distance to see Jesus, but they did not delay to obey. Is there anything God is calling you to do that you are delaying rather than obeying? What keeps us from embracing the message of Jesus (obeying) with the same abandonment as the shepherds?

5. Read Luke 2:9-20 then discuss this question: Have you ever had an undeniable encounter with God? If so, describe the experience. What made it so evident God was present? How did you respond to Him?


As a Disciple of Jesus I promise to always listen and obey Jesus right away, trusting Him to always lead and guide me in the right direction.

Ask Your Kids

1. Have you ever thought you heard God tell you to do something? If so, how did you respond?

2. We learned this week that Jesus is often referred to as the "Good Shepherd". We also learned what a shepherd does. How does Jesus shepherd us?

3. What is something that stood out to you about this weeks scriptures?